The constraint formulas for designing the geometries of primary baffle and secondary baffle are deduced when taking account of vignette of R-C system. 针对R-C系统的特点,考虑轴外渐晕的影响,推导出主、次镜内遮光罩尺寸设计的约束公式。
In some cases, secondary damage in the vascular system or opposite kidney may account for this. 有些病例,可能是由于脉管系统或对侧肾脏有继发性损害之故。
Furthered it into a secondary center account. 转进中心的二级帐户了。
If you haven't transferred the funds through the center's secondary account. 如果你没有通过中心的二级帐户把钱转出来。
"The credit securities account" means the secondary account of the guaranteed securities account for credit trading of clients of a securities company, which can be used to record the details of the guaranteed securities held by a securities company upon Commission of clients. 信用证券账户是证券公司客户信用交易担保证券账户的二级账户,用于记录客户委托证券公司持有的担保证券的明细数据。
Firms also built up their capacity to trade in the secondary market, at first so they could make markets and later to earn profits on their own account. 各大公司纷纷拓展二级市场交易能力,一开始是为了发展做市业务,后来是为了做自营交易赚取利润。
Results Secondary genitourinary neoplasms originating from the digestive system account for 1.1% of solid malignancies in genitourinary system. 结果继发于消化系统的泌尿系统肿瘤占同期所有泌尿系统肿瘤的1.1%。
Considering the costs and overheads of searching and spending of routing tables, the maximum two paths ( minimum cost and secondary cost path) were taken into account. 考虑寻找路由以及存储路由表的代价和开销因素,多径路由限制为2条路径,使业务在最小代价路径和次小代价路径中分配。
The lateral semi-active damper based on On/ Off damping control laws was adopted in secondary suspension system. The time delay of the semi-active suspension system was taken into account. 在客车二系悬挂系统中采用具有开关阻尼控制的横向半主动减振器,并考虑半主动悬挂系统的时滞。
The original articles account for 83%, and the secondary and tertiary articles ( including translated papers) account for 17%. 一次文献占83%,二、三次文献(含译文)占17%;
In the computation the longitudinal and the transverse end effect and the influence of variation of permeability along the depth of the secondary due to saturation have been taken into account. 计算中全面计及了纵、横向边端效应以及钢次级沿深度方向饱和程度不同的影响。
The land devoting to non-agricultural constructions and flooded by rising water of the Three Gorges reservoir area are the secondary causes, which respectively account for 4.32% and 13.22% of the total amount of cultivated land loss. 其次是非农建设占地和水域淹没,分别占总减少量的4.32%和13.22%;
The Design of Secondary Current Account in the Accounting Softwares and Its Realization 会计核算软件中辅助往来帐的设计与实现
Reading the whole language teaching in secondary schools account for a large proportion of the importance of reading instruction so self-evident. 阅读教学在整个中学语文教学中占有很大的比重,所以阅读教学的重要性不言而喻。
First section, from structure obtaining, has analyzed between various levels account and the secondary account relations. 第一节,从结构入手,分析了各一级账户及次级账户之间的关系。
Second, the impacting on the environment from proportion of secondary industry does not account for the dominant position. The industrial impact on the environment focused on structure, environmental technology and efforts on environmental protection policies. 第二,在诸多考虑因素中,第二产业比重对环境的影响已经不占主体地位,工业对环境的影响主要集中在结构布局、环保技术和环保政策力度上。
The second part, to define a secondary political ( moral) curriculum resources concept of the meaning and value, gave an account of the integration and use of secondary ideological and political ( moral) the need for curriculum resources. 第二部分,界定了中学想政治(品德)课程资源概念的内涵与价值,交待了整合与利用中学思想政治(品德)课程资源的必要性。